Equine Activity Liability Statutes What Do They Protect?

The 1990’s witnessed a revolution in the laws regarding liability of horsemen for equine-related injuries. As of December, 1997, 40 states have enacted equine activity liability laws. State legislatures created these laws in order to limit the liability of equine professionals and activity sponsors from participant injuries resulting from the “inherent risks” of equine activities. (more…)

“So Sue Me . . .” (Just Hope My Liability Waiver Is Working)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a stable owner tell me “They won’t sue me. They signed a liability waiver”. This statement reflects a misconception prevalent in the horse industry – that a liability waiver will prevent lawsuits from being filed. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, many stable owners are currently using standard form liability waivers drafted in such broad, generic terms as to be virtually unenforceable in the event a lawsuit gets filed. How can this be? (more…)